Heterosis in Reproductive Performance of Beef Cows

Five years of reproductive data on cows of 4 breeds, Angus, Brahman, Brangus, and Hereford, and 12 types of crossbreds, all singlecross combinations of the 4 breeds represented, were used to determine the degree of heterosis exhibited in calf-crop percent. A total of 1345 cows, 645 straightbred and 700 crossbred, were involved in the study. Crossbred cows excelled straightbred cows by 9. 6% (P < . 01). No significant differences in calf mortality were found. Heterotic effects were calculated for each type of crossbred cow and for reciprocal crossbred groups. No significant differences were found between reciprocal crossbred cows. Only those crossbred cows with Brahman breeding exhibited significant heterotic effects. Straightbred cow performance levels were similar and all groups of reciprocal crossbred cows exceeded their respective parental average.