MR imaging of the dilated biliary tract.

The magnetic resonance (MR) examinations of 18 patients with dilated bile ducts were reviewed retrospectively to (a) determine the capability of MR to demonstrate biliary dilatation, (b) assess MR appearance of the dilated biliary tract using spin-echo techniques, and (c) define the optimal MR imaging parameters (repetition time [TR] and echo time [TE]) for its demonstration. On images with short TR (0.5 sec) and TE (28 msec), the dilated intrahepatic and intrapancreatic bile ducts usually had lower signal intensity compared with the surrounding liver or pancreas; on images with long TR (2.0 sec) and TE (56 msec), they had higher signal intensity. Because of the observed variation in percentage of contrast between dilated bile ducts and surrounding liver and pancreas, two imaging sequences are recommended to obtain reliable demonstration of dilated intrahepatic and intrapancreatic bile ducts. The dilated common bile duct at the level of the hepatic hilus is best seen with a short TR and TE.