Specificity of Measures of Thought Control

The rebound effect (D. M. Wegner, 1994) essentially involves the persistence of thought when an effort has been made to suppress the cognitive activity. Some of the research in this area has been directed at determining personal factors that predict differential levels of rebound. To this end, measures of thought control have emerged. In the present study the authors examined the properties of 2 measures of thought control: the Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ; A. Wells & M. I. Davies, 1994) and the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI; D. M. Wegner & S. Zanakos, 1994). Each measure was examined in relation to measures of obsessive–compulsive symptoms and worry, as well as combined factorial structure. Scores generally indicated that items on the Worry and Punishment subscales of the TCQ were highly related to worry and obsessive–compulsive symptoms, whereas scores on the WBSI showed an association between Worry and 1 sub-scale (Slowness) of obsessive–compulsive symptoms. Results of a principal components analysis indicate that, in the aggregate, the items from the TCQ and WBSI form 2 factors: Dysfunctional and Functional Thought Control Strategies. From these data, it appears that the TCQ possesses greater potential to predict performance in rebound experiments and has greater clinical usefulness. Future research directions involving the TCQ are recommended.