We describe a user-oriented software tool-MINIMOS-for the two-dimensional numerical simulation of planar MOS transistors. The fundamental semiconductor equations are solved with sophisticated programming techniques to allow very low computer costs. The program is able to calculate the doping profiles from the technological parameters specified by the user. A new mobility model has been implemented which takes into account the dependence on the impurity concentration, electric field, temperature, and especially the distance to the Si-SiO2interface. The power of the program is shown by calculating the two-dimensional internal behavior of three MOST's with 1-µm gate length differing in respect to the ion-implantation steps. In this way, the threshold voltage shift by a shallow implantation and the suppression of punchthrough by a deep implantation are demonstrated. By calculating the output characteristics without and with mobility reduction, the essential influence of this effect is shown. From the subthreshold characteristics, the suppression of short-channel effects by ion implantation becomes apparent. The MINIMOS program is available for everyone for just the handling costs.