Electron-spin-resonance study ofPb6p3in KC1: A possible Jahn-Teller system

Four S=12 electron-spin-resonance spectra exhibiting orthorhombic symmetry ([11¯0], [001], [110]) and observed in KC1: Pb2+ after x irradiation at temperatures above 220 K are identified as originating from Pb centers. The mobility of the anion and cation vacancies above this temperature is shown to be essential in the production of these defects. The Pb spectra are characterized by strongly anisotropic g values ranging from ∼0.7 to ∼4 and their explanation requires a coupling scheme for Pb intermediate between LS and jj and a full diagonalization of the crystal field, the spin-orbit interaction, and the Coulomb repulsion between the 20 states of the p3 configuration. A comparison is made between the crystal fields experienced by Pb6p3 and by the previously studied LS-coupled system Sn5p3. Because of the sizable presence of orbital angular momentum in its Γ8 ground state, the Pb is shown to induce a static Jahn-Teller distortion when occupying an unperturbed octahedral anion site. The Jahn-Teller energies are estimated to be ∼103 cm1 for Pb, and ∼10cm1 for Sn. It is concluded that the orthorhombic symmetry in all four Pb defects is caused by a static Jahn-Teller distortion of mixed Eg and T2g character and that vacancies, if present, merely exert an additional perturbation. This viewpoint is shown to be a fruitful one: It allows us (i) to explain the near constancy throughout the four defects of the dominant crystal-field parameter (∼ -2 × 104 cm1) and (ii) to propose specific models for two of the Pb centers.