Using an in vitro heart bioassay, the pharmacological and biochemical properties of two cardioactive peptides derived from neural tissues of the moth, Manduca sexta, were analysed. Gel filtration of ventral nerve cords (VNC) from pharate adults identified two cardioacceleratory peptides (CAP1 and CAP2) with apparent molecular weights of 1000 and 500 Da, respectively. Both CAPs were localized to the abdominal perivisceral organs, the major neurohaemal release sites in the insect VNC. Pulse application of CAP1 or CAP2 on the in vitro Manduca heart produced a dose-dependent increase in rate but had no effect on beat amplitude. The threshold dose for the action of each peptide on the isolated heart bioassay was less than 0·05 abdominal nerve cord equivalents. Both CAPs were present in the pharate adult VNC of several other Lepidopteran species. Neither CAP1 nor CAP2 was detected in the prepupal VNC of Manduca sexta.