Immune response to guinea pig cytomegalovirus polypeptides and cross reactivity with human cytomegalovirus

The immune response to guinea pig cytomegalovirus (gpCMV) was evaluated by immunoblotting. Preinoculation guinea pig plasma did not react with gpCMV antigen, whereas convalescent plasma reacted to at least 18 gpCMV‐specific polypeptides. The initial immune response was primarily directed at polypeptides with MWs of 100, 75, and 56 kDa. Over 80% of plasma collected more than 29 days after viral inoculation reacted to these polypeptides and also to those with MW of 54, 52, and 38 kDa. In this report, we also demonstrate cross reactivity between gpCMV and human CMV (HCMV). Human immunoglobulin (IVIG) reacted to at least 20 HCMV polypeptides and cross reacted with six gpCMV polypeptides. GpCMV convalescent plasma also reacted with HCMV polypeptides.