Rates and mechanics of rapid frontal accretion along the very obliquely convergent southern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand

Analysis of seismic reflection profiles, swath bathymetry, side‐scan sonar imagery, and sediment samples reveal the three‐dimensional structure, morphology, and stratigraphic evolution of the central to southern Hikurangi margin accretionary wedge, which is developing in response to thick trench fill sediment and oblique convergence between the Australian and Pacific plates. A seismic stratigraphy of the trench fill turbidites and frontal part of the wedge is constrained by seismic correlations to an already established stratigraphic succession nearby, by coccolith and foraminifera biostratigraphy of three core and dredge samples, and by estimates of stratigraphic thicknesses and rates of accumulation of compacted sediment. Structural and stratigraphic analyses of the frontal part of the wedge yield quantitative data on the timing of inception of thrust faults and folds, on the growth and mechanics of frontal accretion under variable convergence obliquity, and on the amounts and rates of horizontal shortening. The data place constraints on the partitioning of geological strain across the entire southern Hikurangi margin. The principal deformation front at the toe of the wedge is discontinuous and represented by right‐stepping thrust faulted and folded ridges up to 1 km high, which develop initially from discontinuous protothrusts. In the central part of the margin near 41°S, where the convergence obliquity is 50°, orthogonal convergence rate is slow (27 mm/yr), and about 75% of the total 4 km of sediment on the Pacific Plate is accreted frontally, the seismically resolvable structures within 30 km of the deformation front accommodate about 6 km of horizontal shortening. At least 80% of this shortening has occurred within the last 0.4±0.1 m.y. at an average rate of 12±3 mm/yr. This rate indicates that the frontal 30 km of the wedge accounts for about 33–55% of the predicted orthogonal contraction across the entire plate boundary zone. Despite plate convergence obliquity of 50°, rapid frontal accretion has occurred during the late Quaternary with the principal deformation front migrating seaward up to 50 km within the last 0.5 m.y. (i.e., at a rate of 100 km/m.y.). The structural response to this accretion rate has been a reduction in wedge taper and, consequently, internal deformation behind the present deformation front. Near the southwestern termination of the wedge, where there is an along‐the‐margin transition to continental transpressional tectonics, the convergence obliquity increases to >56°, and the orthogonal convergence rate decreases to 22 mm/yr, the wedge narrows to 13 km and is characterized simply by two frontal backthrusts and landward‐verging folds. These structures have accommodated not more than 0.5 km of horizontal shortening at a rate of < 1 mm/yr, which represents < 5% of the predicted orthogonal shortening across the entire plate boundary in southern North Island. The landward‐vergent structural domain may represent a transition zone from rapid frontal accretion associated with low basal friction and high pore pressure ratio in the central part of the margin, to the northern South Island region where the upper and lower plates are locked or at least very strongly coupled.