Energy Balance and Size and Number of Ovarian Follicles Detected by Ultrasonography in Early Postpartum Dairy Cows

Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 52) were fed one of six diets consisting of a totally mixed ration (corn silage, corn grain, soybean meal, dried distillers grains, and whole cottonseed) plus either alfalfa hay, alfalfa cubes, or bermuda-grass hay fed chopped as a component in the mixed ration or separate as long hay. Predicted energy balance was calculated from DM intake, milk yield and composition, and BW. On d 25 postpartum, ovarian status was programmed by injecting 25 mg of prostaglandin F2 alpha and treating cows for 15 d with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g progesterone. Before d 25, number of class 1 follicles (3 to 5 mm; detected by ultrasonography) decreased with increasing days postpartum, and number of class 3 (10 to 15 mm) and class 4 (greater than 15 mm) follicles increased. The number of class 1 and 2 follicles (6 to 9 mm) decreased with increasing energy balance, and number of class 3 follicles increased with energy balance. Before d 25, predicted energy balance explained treatment differences in the number of follicles within each size class. After d 25, energy balance did not affect the average number of follicles per cow, but diet affected the number of follicles within each class. Predicted energy balance and dietary treatments influenced number of follicles at different times after calving. These results identify the importance of diet and energy balance to follicular and ovarian function in postpartum lactating dairy cows.