Premature bifurcation of the apical dendritic trunk of vibrissa‐responding pyramidal neurones of X‐irradiated rat neocortex

1. Electrophysiological and morphological experiments were performed on the pyramidal neurones of the somatosensory neocortex of the adult rat that had been exposed in utero to 200 rad of X-irradiation. Under urethane anaesthesia, evoked gross potentials, extracellular and intracellular neuronal responses, and laminar field potentials were recorded. The evoked epicortical potential to deflection of a single whisker was a long-lasting positive wave which contrasted with a biphasic positive-negative complex in unirradiated controls. Neurones were initially tested during extracellular recording for responses to whisker deflections. This was followed by intracellular injection with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and the HRP-stained neuronal elements were visualized using diaminobenzidine as a chromagen. 2. Fifty neurones were recorded and stained through the soma. The mean response latency was 15.1 ms. Of these, thirty-six showed premature bifurcation of the apical dendrite. The angle of bifurcation of the apical dendrite was measured in the coronal plane and was found to be a function of the depth at which the soma was located and the distance between the soma and bifurcation point. It was suggested that the apical dendrites of these neurones underwent premature bifurcation due to an imbalance between the growth of neurones and skull. 3. Fifteen neurones were recorded and stained through the presumed apical dendritic shaft. The mean response latency was 19.5 ms. The electrode track left in the histological specimen pointed to the stained apical dendrite. Dendritic elements distal to the entry point were preferentially filled with HRP. In no cases were somata stained. There was, in turn, no evidence of recording from dendritic elements distal to the bifurcation since no electrode track was found to point to these elements. That dendritic spike responses may not travel beyond the bifurcation was further substantiated by laminar analysis of field potentials.