TraM of plasmid R1 regulates its own expression

Regulation of the traM gene, which encodes a factor essential for conjugation of resistance plasmid R1, was studied in vivo using translational gene fusion. traM"lacZ fusion constructs were transferred to the chromosome via the recombinant phage lambda RZ5. The level of beta-galactosidase expressed by the lysogens indicates that the traM promoters are very active. Expression of traM was diminished five- to sixfold when the single-copy plasmids R1 or R1-19 were present in trans. When recombinant plasmids carrying traM were present at higher copy numbers, traM expression was reduced as much as 45-fold. The negative effect of R1 plasmids on traM expression in trans, which we interpret as autoregulation, was observed regardless of whether the plasmids were conjugatively repressed or derepressed. Site-specific mutagenesis of the region encoding the N-terminus of the TraM protein eliminated the autoregulative effect indicating that the N-terminal amino acids of the protein are important to its DNA-binding function. The autoregulatory behaviour of TraM is allele specific. R1- or P307-encoded TraM molecules were found to recognize only the cognate DNA.