Summary. Cereal crops were grown at Jealott's Hill in 1962 and 1963 without cultivations, following the use, before drilling, of paraquat to kill unwanted vegetation. This investigation was extended with a series of trials at outside centres. Three trials with winter wheat were drilled in the autumn of 1963, two into pasture and one into stubble. Three barley trials were drilled into stubble in spring 1964.All the autumn trials and one spring trial compared direct‐drilling with normal cultivations at two levels of nitrogen. The other two spring trials compared rates and times of application of paraquat without any plough comparison.Individual trials showed significant yield differences between direct‐drilling and ploughing, but there was no consistent advantage in favour of either technique.Spraying in advance of drilling generally resulted in similar yields to spraying and drilling on the same day. Winter wheat drilled into pastures showed some retardation of spring growth when spraying and drilling had been carried out on the same day.When averaged over times of application, yields after spraying paraquat at 2 lb/ac were significantly higher than after 1 lb/ac.In the trials where two levels of nitrogen were included crops responded to an increase from 60 to 120 units nitrogen/ac as top dressing for winter wheat and from 60 to 90 units nitrogen/ac combine‐drilled for spring barley; the response was not always significant.Semis direct de céréales après application de paraquat