Idiotypic analysis of anti-GAT antibodies. VII. Common idiotype on hybridoma antibodies to poly(Glu60 Ala40)

A single DBA/2 mouse, immunized with L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine40 (GA), was used to produce hybridoma cell lines. Seven hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were obtained for idiotypic analyses. Two hybridoma anti-L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) antibodies, preferentially reactive to GA, were studied in parallel. Anti-idiotypic antisera to purified anti-GAT and anti-GA serum antibodies and to hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were analyzed by idiotype binding and inhibition of idiotype binding assays. Five of the nine hybridoma antibodies exhibited common GA-1 idiotypic specificities previously demonstrated on the majority of anti-GA antibodies of inbred mouse strains of differing immunoglobulin heavy chain linkage groups; these hybridoma antibodies also possessed private idiotypic determinants. Two GA-1 negative hybridoma anti-GA antibodies appeared identical by immunochemical criteria, arguing that somatic hybridization does not artifactually generate private idiotypic determinants. The results demonstrate that the common GA-1 idiotype system is associated with a family of nonidentical but idiotypically related antibody molecules present in a single DBA/2 mouse, and these antibodies are part of the "GA-1 idiotypic family".