Deep cerebral venous thrombosis in thalamo-ventricular hemorrhage of the term newborn

Unilateral thalamic bleeding with associated intraventricular hemorrhage is reported in three full-term neonates. The first presented within 48 hours from birth with early onset streptococcal meningitis, persistent pulmonary hypertension, tonic seizures and a tense fontanelle. The second presented 6 days after birth with irritability, opisthotonus, a tense fontanelle and tonic seizures. The third was admitted three days after birth with seizures and a tense fontanelle. In the latter two infants NMR and CT imaging documented thrombosed superficial and deep cerebral veins. The etiopathogenesis of intracranial venous thrombosis in the neonate is diverse: asphyxia, dehydration, polycythemia, sepsis-meningitis and difficult delivery are the main causes. In one of our patients jugular vein compression by the collar of a negative-pressure ventilation chamber probably initiated the intracranial events. More than half of the survivors sustain severe neurological impairment.