There have been numerous reports in recent years of prolonged apnoea resulting from the use of suxamethonium (succinylcholine, “Scoline”) in general anaesthesia and for electroplexy. For example, Grant (16) described a case of respiratory paralysis lasting 2 to 3 post-operative days following an intravenous dose of 80 mg. of suxamethonium, and Cowan (7) reported a patient who underwent a partial gastrectomy and exhibited complete apnoea for 9 hours duration after only 25 mg. of suxamethonium had been given, and who subsequently died. Hurley and Monro (22) reported apnoea lasting for 10 minutes following 20 mg. of suxamethonium used as a relaxant for electroplexy, and for 20 minutes after decamethonium iodide.