Studies on the effect of deltamethrin sprays on the numbers of epigeal predatory arthropods occurring in arable fields

The effect of spraying winter rape and winter wheat with deltamethrin on the numbers of epigeal Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Linyphiidae caught in pitfall traps was studied in Northern Germany in 1980 and 1981. Two experiments were performed with each crop, deltamethrin being sprayed at 7.5 g a.i. ha−1 in 300 litres of water in springtime on rape, and in midsummer on wheat. Sprayed plots were rectangles of 2 and 3 ha; unsprayed plots were squares of 0.5 ha each (two replicates). Ten pitfall traps were placed per replicate at least 3 weeks before spraying and were left for at least 3 weeks after spraying, the traps being emptied weekly. Beneficial Carabid species which have been shown already to have an economic significance, were rare during this study, but four other species (three of them were autumn breeders) were not affected by deltamethrin. At the spraying dates the autumn breeders were hidden in the soil as pupae. Three Staphylinid species, studied in only one experiment each, appeared to be strongly reduced in numbers by deltamethrin. The Linyphiid spiders were affected most heavily by deltamethrin sprayed in spring or in midsummer; the initial mortality of more than 92% lasted longer than 4 weeks, and an adverse effect was still significant in winter wheat 6 weeks after spraying. Overall, deltamethrin appears to have a broad spectrum effect concerning the epigeal predatory arthropods.