Bridging markers defining the map position of X linked hypophosphataemic rickets.

Hypophosphataemic rickets is commonly an X linked dominant hereditary disorder associated with a renal tubular defect in phosphate transport and bone deformities. The gene causing this disorder has been mapped to Xp22.31----p21.3 by using cloned human X chromosome sequences identifying restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in linkage studies of affected families. The hypophosphataemic rickets gene locus (HPDR) was previously mapped distal to the X linked polymorphic locus DXS41 (99.6) but its position in relation to the distal loci DXS43 (D2) and DXS85 (782) was not established. In order to obtain a precise mapping of the disease locus in relation to these genetic loci, additional affected families informative for these X linked markers have been investigated. The combined results from the two studies have established linkage with the loci DXS41 (99.6) and DXS43 (D2); peak lod score for DXS41 (99.6) = 7.35, theta = 0.09, and peak lod score for DXS43 (D2) = 4.77, theta = 0.16. Multilocus linkage analysis mapped the hypophosphataemic rickets gene distal to the DXS41 (99.6) locus and proximal to the DXS43 (D2) locus, thereby revealing two bridging genetic markers for the disease.