A Search for H[TINF]2[/TINF]O Maser Emission Toward Active Galactic Nuclei: Discovery of a Nuclear Maser Source in NGC 3735

We report the results of a survey for H2O maser emission in the 616-523 transition at 1.35 cm wavelength in 29 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). One new maser was detected. The detection rate among objects with recessional velocities -1 is consistent with rates reported elsewhere for similarly nearby objects (about one in 15). The new maser lies in the edge-on Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3735 (inclination 77°) within 10 km s-1 of the systemic velocity. No other emission has been identified at velocities within ±500 km s-1 of the systemic velocity. The maser is coincident with the radio continuum peak of the nucleus at 6 and 3.6 cm wavelengths to within the estimated 1 σ astrometric uncertainty of 01 (15 pc at a distance of 30 Mpc).

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