Identification of a Replicon from pTXL1, a Small Cryptic Plasmid from Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides Y110, and Development of a Food-Grade Vector

A 2,665-bp cryptic plasmid, pTXL1, isolated from Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides Y110 was identified. This plasmid harbors a replicon localized on a 1,300-bp fragment. Two observations suggested that pTXL1 does not belong to rolling-circle replication (RCR)-type plasmids and most likely replicates via a theta mechanism. These hypotheses are supported by the observation that no detectable single-stranded intermediate was found for the replicon and that, unlike in RCR-type plasmids, the pTXL1 replicon sequence lacks an open reading frame encoding a replicase. The small-sized pTXL1 plasmid is stable and, according to its origin, can be considered in the “generally recognized as safe” category. Its ability to replicate in several lactic acid bacteria was exploited to develop a vector producing mesentericin Y105, a class II anti- Listeria bacteriocin. With this new vector, a recombinant industrial Leuconostoc cremoris strain able to produce mesentericin Y105 was constructed.