Potential energy function for CH3+CH3⇄C2H6: Attributes of the minimum energy path

The region of the potential energy surface for the title reaction in the vicinity of its minimum energy path has been predicted from the analysis of ab initio electronic energy calculations. The ab initio procedure employs a 6–31G** basis set and a configuration interaction calculation which uses the orbitals obtained in a generalized valence bond calculation. Calculated equilibrium properties of ethane and of isolated methyl radical are compared to existing theoretical and experimental results. The reaction coordinate is represented by the carbon–carbon interatomic distance. The following attributes are reported as a function of this distance and fit to functional forms which smoothly interpolate between reactant and product values of each attribute: the minimum energy path potential, the minimum energy path geometry, normal mode frequencies for vibrational motion orthogonal to the reaction coordinate, a torsional potential, and a fundamental anharmonic frequency for local mode, out-of-plane CH3 bending (umbrella motion). The best representation is provided by a three-parameter modified Morse function for the minimum energy path potential and a two-parameter hyperbolic tangent switching function for all other attributes. A poorer but simpler representation, which may be satisfactory for selected applications, is provided by a standard Morse function and a one-parameter exponential switching function. Previous applications of the exponential switching function to estimate the reaction coordinate dependence of the frequencies and geometry of this system have assumed the same value of the range parameter α for each property and have taken α to be less than or equal to the ‘‘standard’’ value of 1.0 Å−1. Based on the present analysis this is incorrect: The α values depend on the property and range from ∼1.2 to ∼1.8 Å−1.

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