Sections of the gut (ventriculus and proventriculus) of the cockroaches, Blattus germanicus and Blaberus giganticus, were prepared after fixation in Carnoy's solution. In sections treated with beta-glucuronidase and hyaluronidase (1 nig per 1 ml at pH 7.0), the nuclear chromatin of the epithelium stained deeply with alcian blue (0.1% in 2% acetic acid). The sites of this staining coincided with the green-staining components seen in untreated control sections stained by methyl green-pyronin. Moreover, the alcian blue staining after this treatment agreed closely with the sites of positive Feulgen reaction in control sections. Prior treatment in deoxyribonuclease (1 mg per 10 ml of glass-distilled water) before digestion in beta-glucuronidase nullified the alcian blue staining of the chromatin. Ribonuclease had a similar effect except that after its action the chromatin would still stain with nuclear fast red.