Angioma of the larynx is a very rare condition. In a careful review of the literature we have been able to find twenty-six cases. The following case is therefore considered worthy of report: History. —Baby H., male, aged 9 months, came under observation August 10, 1912, because of difficulty in breathing. The family history threw no light on the case. The baby had been breast-fed since birth and was well nourished. The present trouble dated from an attack of measles in May. Following this for a period of one month, there was hoarseness, with some difficulty in breathing, and a "croupy" cough. This gradually improved so that for a period of two or three weeks scarcely any abnormality of breathing could be noticed. Three weeks prior to this report he began to have increased hoarseness, some cough, and dyspnea, the inspiration being accompanied by a stridor. This has grown progressively