Alteration of platelet responses to metabolites of arachidonic acid by oral contraceptives

The effects of oral contraceptive (OC) usage on platelet responsiveness to arachidonic acid metabolites was investigated. Platelets obtained from women who were taking oral contraceptives for at least 3 mo. were compared with those of age-matched controls. Both the basal and prostacyclin (PGI2)-stimulated platelet cAMP levels were significantly lower in OC users than in non-users. There was no significant difference in the PGD2[prostaglandin D-2]-stimulated cAMP levels between the 2 groups. Platelet aggregability to U46619, a TXA2 [thromboxane A-2] agonist, was greatly enhanced by OC. OC usage can specifically enhance platelet responsiveness to TXA2 while suppressing platelet responsiveness to PGI2. Their overall effect would be a disruption of normal platelet responses in favor of thrombus formation.