Development of preimplantation rabbit embryos in uterine flushing–supplemented culture media

The development of cultured rabbit preimplantation embryos grown in standard media (Ham's F‐10 or BSM II supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) or homologous serum) or in Ham's medium supplemented with uterine flushings was compared. The uterine flushings derived from donors of 0.5–6 years of age. Uterine flushing supplemented media were used natively or after treatments like sterilization by filtration, lyophilization, three times freezing/thawing, heat denaturation, dialysis, or ultrafiltration. Compared with in vivo controls, embryonic growth was substantially reduced during in vitro culture, demonstrably by smaller diameters and impaired cell proliferation (measured by thymidine incorporation). The growth retardation was more pronounced in blastocyts (recovered at day 4 post coitum [p.c.]) than in morulae (recovered at day 3 p.c.). Development in uterine flushing media was notably better than in standard media but did not comply with in vivo development. Highest thymidine incorporation was observed in media with increased concentrations of uterine secretions and after sequential supplementation of flushings from subsequent progestational stages. Advanced donor ages, heating up to 80°C, freezing, and lyophilizing did not affect incorporation data statistically significantly, whereas sterilization by filtration, ultrafiltration, and dialysis led to a significantly reduced thymidine incorporation in the cultured embryos. The positive effects of uterine flushing supplementation are attributed to the supply of components more adjusted to the needs of the cultured embryos and/or to a reduction of pathological effects in vitro like washing out of nutritive and regulatory components from the embryo into the surrounding culture medium.