Perkutan-transhepatische Cholangioskopie: Eine neue Methode zur Diagnostik von Malignomen der Gallenwege

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography combines the advantages of endoscopic and radiological examination. It makes it possible to assess the intraluminal spread of bile duct disease as well as histological and cytological examination of biopsies obtained under vision. Eight PTCs were performed without complication in seven patients with cancer of the bile duct. In four, the histology and extent of the tumor was defined endoscopically before any surgical intervention. In three others the results of treatment were objectified. A flexible choledochoscope, as used intraoperatively, was employed (CHF-P10). A stepwise dilatation of the percutaneous access-route was undertaken in several sessions in order to avoid bleeding complications. The procedure is done without general anaesthesia.