Environmental cues, mostly photoperiod and temperature, mediated by effects on the neuroendocrine system, control reproductive diapause in female insects. Arrest of oocyte development characterizes female reproductive diapause, which has two major adaptive functions: It improves chances of survival during unfavorable season(s), and/or it confines oviposition to that period of the year that is optimal for survival of the eggs and progeny. Although reproductive diapause is less well studied in male insects, there may be no sex-dependent differences in regard to the first of these functions. The second one, however, is not valid for the male; instead, selection pressure directs the male's reproductive strategy toward maximum chances of fertilization of the female's eggs with minimum waste of energy. Therefore, in species with female reproductive diapause, the males may or may not exhibit diapause, but if they do, their diapause must be adapted to that existing in conspecific females. Male reproductive diapause is defined as a reversible state of inability of the male to inseminate receptive females. In relation to reproductive diapause, there are several patterns of coadaptations between male reproductive strategy and timing of female receptivity, (a) In some insects, the females are receptive in the early part of their diapause; mating occurs during this period and there is no diapause in the male. The male dies shortly after copulation and the female stores the sperms to fertilize the eggs that develop after termination of the female's diapause, (b) In some species, as in the grasshopper Anacridium aegyptium, females are receptive during diapause; though oocyte development is arrested, copulation occurs and the stored sperms fertilize the eggs when the female's diapause ends. Males were claimed to have no diapause, but recent studies have revealed the presence of a reproductive diapause in a proportion of the males. This and other cases show that female receptivity during reproductive diapause may or may not be accompanied by male reproductive diapause. If there is a reproductive diapause in the male, it is controlled by the same endocrine mechanism, the corpora allata (CA), as in the females, (c) In many species females are refractory during their diapause. In these cases, males exhibit reproductive diapause, which may be light, as in the beetle Oulema melanopus, or well established, as in certain grasshoppers, butterflies, and beetles. In the latter cases, male diapause is controlled by similar environmental cues (photoperiod, temperature) and by the same intrinsic mechanism (neuroendocrine system, especially CA) as female diapause. Nevertheless, male diapause is less intense; the environmental cues leading to its termination are less complex and/or less extreme, so male diapause terminates before that of the females. Presumably, male diapause is under two antagonistic selection pressures: A male should not waste energy by courting dia-pausing refractory females, but he should be ready to copulate as soon as the females become receptive, otherwise he may lose in the competition between males for females. Some further strategies, which do not seem to fit the above patterns, are also outlined.