The thermal reaction rate of muonium with methane (and ethane) in the gas phase

Rates for the gas-phase thermal reaction Mu+CH4→MuH+CH3 (Mu=μ+e−), have been measured using the μSR (muon spin rotation) technique, over the temperature range 625–820 K. A good fit is obtained to the usual Arrhenius expression, k=A exp(−Ea/RT), giving an activation energy Ea=24.6±0.9 kcal/mol, ∼12 kcal/mol higher than that of the H-atom isotopic variant of this reaction, H+CH4→H2+CH3. This Ea difference is the largest yet seen at high temperatures between H and Mu in the gas phase, and seems much too high to be explained in terms of [zero-point-energy (ZPE)] differences in their respective transition states, indicating instead a dramatic difference in reaction dynamics. The possible sources of this difference include differing reactivities from vibrationally excited states and/or a more favorable tunneling path for the H+CH4 reaction due to its suspected much earlier (and thinner) reaction barrier. In contrast, the similar H-atom abstraction reactions with H2 and C2H6 gave Ea differences which matched expectations based on ZPE shifts, suggesting a qualitative difference in dynamics between these otherwise homologous reactions. It is suggested that reaction from vibrationally excited states may be relatively more important in the case of the Mu+CH4 reaction.