KDD CUP-2005 report

The KDD-Cup 2005 Competition was held in conjunction with the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. The task of the KDD-Cup 2005 competition was to classify 800,000 internet user search queries into 67 predefined categories. This task is easy to understand, but the lack of straightforward training set, subjective user intents of queries, poor information in short queries, and high noise level make the task very challenge.In this paper, we summarize the competition task, the evaluation method, and the results of the competition. Here we only highlight some key techniques used in submitted solutions. The technical details of the solutions from the three award winning teams are available in their papers separately in this issue of SIGKDD Explorations. At the end, we also share the results of a survey conducted with this year's Cup participants. To facilitate research in this area, the task description, data, answer set, and related information of this KDD-Cup are published at the KDD-Cup 2005 web site: http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigkdd/kdd2005/kddcup.html.

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