Infrared Absorptance of Carbon Monoxide at Low Temperatures*†
- 1 January 1969
- journal article
- Published by Optica Publishing Group in Journal of the Optical Society of America
- Vol. 59 (1) , 28-33
The strengths and half-widths of lines in the R branch of the CO fundamental band at temperatures as low as 113 K have been determined from equivalent-width measurements in the linear and square-root regions of the curve of growth. For all temperatures, the observed line strengths are in excellent agreement with line strengths calculated on the basis of the Herman-Wallis expression. However, at the lowest temperatures the observed half-widths differ considerably from the values calculated on the basis of the usual extrapolations of room-temperature data; the half-widths of lines near the band center are much larger than the calculated half-widths, and the half-widths of lines in the band wing are apparently considerably smaller than the calculated half-widths.Keywords
This publication has 21 references indexed in Scilit:
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