Susceptibility of a mesoscopic superconducting ring

The susceptibility of a single mesoscopic aluminum ring has been studied with an integrated superconducting quantum interference device susceptometer at temperatures near the superconducting critical temperature, and anomalous behavior has been found just above Tc . Below the zero-field critical temperature of 1.266 K we find excellent agreement with a Ginzburg-Landau theory of the susceptibility, and all of the important sample parameters can be accurately determined. The phase-slip transition rates are measured as a function of flux at temperatures down to 0.950 K, and a comparison with the theoretical free-energy barrier heights for these transitions shows that we are able to predict the ratio of the saddle-point energy to the initial-state energy with an accuracy of a few percent. Just above the mean-field Tc we expect the susceptibility to be dominated by thermodynamic fluctuations. A clear signal is found from Tc to 25 mK above Tc , but it is as much as 50 times larger than predicted. The observed phase-slip rates can be used to show that this anomalously large susceptibility just above Tc is not due to temperature fluctuations and that it is not a noise-driven effect.