The Role of X-Chromosome Inactivation during Spermatogenesis

Inactivation of the single X chromosome in the primary spermatocytes of species with heterogametic males is postulated as a basic control mechanism on the chromosomal level that is required for normal spermatogenesis. This view is supported by (a) cytological observations of X-chromosome allocycly in the primary spermatocytes of all male-heterogametic organisms that were adequately examined, (b) autoradiographic evidence of early cessation of transcription by the X chromosome in the mouse and three species of grasshopper, and (c) the male sterility of animals with certain X-chromosome rearrangements that cannot be attributed to misfunction of specific genes. X-chromosome inactivation during spermatogenesis is proposed as the ideal system for studies of genetic control at the chromosomal level.