Immunogenicity and Antigenicity of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Serotypes I and II in Chickens

Chickens were inoculated with infectious bursal disease virus serotype I or serotype II to determine if their immune system can distinguish between the two serotypes. Chickens had neutralizing antibodies to only serotype I viruses following exposure to serotype I viruses, and chickens had antibodies to only serotype II viruses following exposure to serotype II viruses. No cross-reactions were observed between antisera prepared to each of these two serotypes using a cross-virus-neutralization assay. Signs of disease were detected only in birds exposed to a virulent serotype I isolate. Chicks exposed to the serotype II viruses were not protected from challenge with a virulent serotype I isolate. In one experiment, antibodies to a serotype II isolate, which were detected before challenge, did not protect chicks from challenge with a virulent serotype I isolate.