Depression of Protein Synthesis during Diapause in Embryos of the Annual KillifishAustrofundulus limnaeus

Rates of protein synthesis are substantially depressed in diapause II embryos of Austrofundulus limnaeus. Inhibition of oxygen consumption and heat dissipation with cycloheximide indicates that 36% of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) turnover in prediapausing embryos (8 d postfertilization [dpf]) is caused by protein synthesis; the contribution of protein synthesis to ATP turnover in diapause II embryos is negligible. In agreement with the metabolic data, incorporation of amino acids (radiolabeled via (14)CO(2)) into perchloric acid-precipitable protein decreases by over 93% in diapause II embryos compared with embryos at 8 dpf. This result represents a 36% reduction in energy demand because of depression of protein synthesis during diapause. Adjusting for changes in the specific radioactivity of the free amino acid pool at the whole-embryo level yields rates of protein synthesis that are artifactually high and not supportable by the observed rates of oxygen consumption and heat dissipation during diapause. This result indicates a regionalized distribution of labeled amino acids likely dictated by a pattern of anterior to posterior cell cycle arrest. AMP/ATP ratios are strongly correlated with the decrease in rates of protein synthesis, which suggests a role for adenosine monophosphate (AMP) in the control of anabolic processes. The major depression of protein synthesis during diapause II affords a considerable reduction in energy demand and extends the duration of dormancy attainable in these embryos.