β limit disruptions in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

A disruptive β limit (β=plasma pressure/magnetic pressure) is observed in high‐performance plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [K. M. McGuire et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Nuclear Fusion 1, 421 (1987)]. The magnetohydrodynamic character of these disruptions differs substantially from the disruptions in high‐density plasmas (density limit disruptions) on TFTR. The high β disruptions can occur with less than a millisecond warning in the form of a fast growing precursor. The precursor appears to be an n=1 kink strongly coupled through finite β effects and toroidal terms to higher m components. It does not have the ‘‘cold bubble’’ structure found in density limit disruptions. The n=1 kink, in turn, appears to excite a ballooning‐type mode that may contribute to the thermal quench.