Amino Acid Composition of Capsid Protein as a Taxonomic Criterion for Classifying the Atypical S Strain of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus

A virus isolated from a tick bean (Vicia /aba L. var. minor Beck) from South Australia has been shown to be closely related to bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) by its particle length, by the types of inclusion bodies it induced in cells, and by the serological relationships and amino acid composition of its particles. However, its experimental host range and the symptoms it caused differed from those of typical BYMV, and it is concluded therefore that it is a previously undescribed strain of this virus, BYMV-S. Analyses of the coat protein of BYMV-S confirmed the value of using the amino acid composition as a criterion for assessing the relationships of potyviruses and for identifying new isolates.