The reproductive health of daughters of pregestational diabetic women: Medical Birth Registry of Norway

Maternal diabetes may have an impact upon a daughter's reproductive health through genetic influences, an altered fetal metabolic environment or both. We examined the reproductive health of daughters of diabetic women using linked generation data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Among all female births between 1967 and 1982 (n = 459182), 739 had a mother with registered pregestational diabetes, a rate of 1.6 per 1000 deliveries. A total of 142904 daughters delivered at least one child by 1998. After taking into account differences in survival, we observed no differences in the percentage of childbearing and in the average number of children born by 1998 between daughters with and without a diabetic mother in age-stratified analyses. In analyses limited to singleton deliveries and stratified by mothers' and daughters' diabetic status, we found a threefold excess stillbirth delivery rate among women who had either a mother with pregestational diabetes (2.6%) or pregestational diabetes themselves (2.6%) compared with the stillbirth delivery rate observed in non-diabetic women with no maternal history of diabetes (0.8%). These findings were unaltered in multivariable analyses adjusting for daughters' maternal age and registered obstetric risk factors. Our results indicate that pregestational diabetes remains a health care challenge in Norway and that further evaluation of the reproductive health of daughters of diabetic pregnancies is warranted.