Cytological evidence for different types of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting subependymal cells in the preoptic and infundibular recesses of the frog

Blue-green fluorescent subependymal cells with intraventricular processes were shown by the fluorescent histochemical method to be distributed from the preoptic recess to the infundibular recess of the frog hypothalamus. Electron microscopy revealed at least two types of CSF-contacting subependymal cells, type 1 containing large dense granules (about 100–200 nm in diameter) and type 2 containing small dense core vesicles (about 60–100 nm in diameter). Subsequent to fixation in permanganate solution, the small dense core vesicles in type 2 cells reacted with the fixative and consistently showed a dense content. However, the large granules in type 1 cells were mostly pale or less dense after this fixation. Two hours after intraventricular injection of 3H-dopamine, a large number of silver grains appeared only in the cytoplasm of intraventricular processes possessing dense core vesicles (type 2 cells). A few grains were also found in the perikarya. It is concluded that type 2 cells are catecholamine-storing cells. It is suggested that type 1 cells in the infundibular recess are peptidergic neurons which may secrete some hypothalamic regulating hormones of the anterior pituitary. Most of these cells in the preoptic recess belong to the neurosecretory cells of the preoptic nucleus, while some cells probably function similarly to those in the infundibular recess.

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