Estimating Production Benefits Through Simulation of Group and Individual Feeding of Dairy Cows

Objectives were 1) to develop DMI and milk prediction equations, 2) to use these equations to simulate group and individual feeding of dairy herds, and 3) to estimate effects of group and individual feeding on FCM production. University of New Hampshire data were used to predict DMI from previous DMI and cow and ration characteristics. The same data were used to predict milk production from DMI and previous milk production. Feeding was simulated for 100 cows over 50 4-wk periods in a number of trials. Effects of individual feeding, additional groups, herd calving intervals, and within-herd variation of annual milk production per cow on daily FCM per cow were isolated in average and high producing herds. Changing from one group to individual feeding can increase daily FCM per cow by .5 to 1.1 kg and two groups to individual feeding by 0 to .8 kg without changing total herd nutrient intake. Reallocation of the same amount of nutrients to two groups instead of one can increase daily milk production by .15 to .8 kg of FCM per cow, reallocation to three groups instead of two by 0 to .6 kg of FCM per cow, and reallocation to four groups instead of three by 0 to .35 kg of FCM per cow.