Sequence of three bronze alleles of maize and correlation with the genetic fine structure.

The genomic sequences of three bronze alleles from Zea mays, Bz-McC, Bz-W22 and bz-R, are presented together with their flanking sequences. The bronze locus encodes UDPglucose flavonoid glucosyl-transferase (UFGT), an anthocyanin biosynthetic enzyme. The wild-type alleles Bz-McC and Bz-W22 condition purple phenotypes in the seed and plant, while bz-R conditions a bronze color. A full length cDNA corresponding to the Bz-McC allele was cloned and sequenced. Primer extension and RNase protection experiments were used to verify the 5' end of the bronze transcript. The Bz-McC allele has a 1416-bp coding region, a 100-bp intron and an approximately 83-bp 5' leader. Upstream of the message initiation site the sequences CTAACT and AATAAA occupy the positions where the eukaryotic consensus CCAAT and TATA boxes are normally found. The alleles Bz-McC and bz-R each have different large insertions with characteristics of transposable elements in their 5' flanking regions. The bz-R allele is distinguished by a 340-bp deletion starting within the intron and including 285 bp of the second exon. The Bz-McC and Bz-W22 isoalleles are known to differ in two genetically defined locations. The uts and uqv sites from the Bz-McC allele condition, respectively, lowered thermostability for the UFGT enzyme and increased amount of UFGT activity when compared with the corresponding sites in the Bz-W22 allele. The uts site maps to a region of the gene encoding two adjacent amino acid differences, either or both of which might alter the thermostability of the UFGT enzyme. The difference in UFGT levels conditioned by the uqv site is shown here to be correlated with variation in the bronze mRNA level. A likely cause of this decreased bronze mRNA level in Bz-W22 is a 6-bp duplication near the sequence CTAACT located 74 bp upstream of the bronze message initiation site. This region is therefore tentatively identified as the uqv site.