My attention has only recently been drawn to two papers on the Argyll Robertson pupil by Merritt and Moore,1of Boston, and Ranson and Magoun2in theArchives of Neurology and Psychiatry. I propose to show that neither of these two schemes of the path of the fibers of the pupillary reflex is satisfactory, in that no proper provision is made for the consensual light reflex. Merritt and Moore claimed that their explanation of the production of the Argyll Robertson pupil explains the phenomena better than any hitherto offered. They asserted that the lesion is just ventral to either side of the posterior commissure, involving both the light reflex fibers decussating in the posterior commissure and the sympathetic pathway. As Merritt and Moore made no reference to a paper in which I3discussed the subject inBrainthirty years ago and in which I showed by experiments

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