Mercury Photosensitized Reactions of Propane

An investigation has been made of the mercury photosensitized reactions of propane, alone and in the presence of hydrogen at temperatures from 25 to 323°C. The products of the reaction are predominantly hydrogen, hexanes (mainly 2,3-di-Me-butane and 2-Me-pentane), and a small amount of higher paraffins. The postulated mechanism is: Hg(3P1)+C3H8→Hg(1S0)+C3H7+HHg(3P1)+H2→Hg(1S0)+2HH+C3H8→C3H7+H22C3H7→C6H142H→H2C3H7+C3H8→C6H14+H.The quantum yield of hydrogen is approximately 0.15 at 25°C and rises somewhat with increasing temperature.