Identification of a region of strong discrimination in the pore of CFTR

The variety of methods used to identify the structural determinants of anion selectivity in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Clchannel has made it difficult to assemble the data into a coherent framework that describes the three-dimensional structure of the pore. Here, we compare the relative importance of sites previously studied and identify new sites that contribute strongly to anion selectivity. We studied Cland substitute anions in oocytes expressing wild-type cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator or 12-pore-domain mutants to determine relative permeability and relative conductance for 9 monovalent anions and 1 divalent anion. The data indicate that the region of strong discrimination resides between T338 and S341 in transmembrane 6, where mutations affected selectivity between Cland both large and small anions. Mutations further toward the extracellular end of the pore only strongly affected selectivity between Cland larger anions. Only mutations at S341 affected selectivity between monovalent and divalent anions. The data are consistent with a narrowing of the pore between the extracellular end and a constriction near the middle of the pore.