Of 32 cat peroneus brevis spindles, 23 (72%) were found to be supplied by a least 1 skeletofusimotor or beta-axon. A motor axon was identified as skeletofusimotor when repetitive stimulation of it elicited both the contraction of extrafusal muscle fibers and as acceleration of the discharge of primary ending, which persisted after selective block of the neuromuscular junctions of extrafusal muscle fibers. The block was obtained by stimulating single axons at 400-500/s for a few seconds. Of 135 axons supplying extrafusal muscle fibers, 24 (18%) were shown to be beta-axons; 22 beta-axons had conduction velocities ranging from 45 to 75 m/s. All but three beta-axons increased the dynamic sensitivity of primary endings. Beta-innervated spindles may also be supplied by dynamic gamma-axons.