A large proportion of mammary gland tumours induced in the rat by dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) are hormone-responsive and regress after ovariectomy. Such tumours possess the ability to take up and retain injected oestradiol and this may be due to the presence of an oestrogen receptor. A number of induced mammary tumours regress spontaneously, however, and the possiblity that these have lost the ability to concentrate oestrogen was investigated in the work described here. Tumours were induced in female Sprague—Dawley (Wisconsin) rats by the gastric instillation of 20 mg. 7,12-DMBA (Sigma) at age 50 days. Rats with steadily growing tumours of approximately 2 cm. mean diameter were ovariectomized. Animals were used for uptake studies when tumours were clearly regressing, either spontaneously or in response to ovariectomy. Most of the latter were allowed to regress for 2–5 weeks but for comparison six tumours were used 4–8 days after ovariectomy. The rats were injected