Recognition of CVC Syllables from LVF, RVF, and Central Locations: Hemispheric Differences and Interhemispheric Interaction

In each of two experiments, subjects were required to identify consonant-vowel-consonant nonsense syllables projected to the left visual fiel/right hemisphere (LVF/RH), right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF/LH), or to the CENTER of the visual field. There were fewer errors on RVF/LH than on LVF/RH trials and the pattern of errors was qualitatively different on RVF/LH and LVF/RH trials. The pattern of errors was consistent with the hypothesis that attention is distributed across the three letters in a relatively slow serial fashion on LVF/RH trials whereas attention is distributed more rapidly and evenly across the three letters on RVF/LH trials. Despite the large RVF/LH advantage, the qualitative pattern of errors on CENTER trials (when viewing conditions do not favor one hemisphere or the other) was very similar to the pattern obtained on LW/RH trials. Implications of this counterintuitive finding are considered for the nature of interhemispheric interaction.