Screening for Colorectal Carcinoma in Cancer Family Syndrome Kindreds

Screening for colorectal carcinoma (CRC) was organized for 236 asymptomatic family members in 22 Finnish cancer family syndrome (CFS) kindreds, and 58% (137) of the subjects accepted the invitation. Double-contrast colography and sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy were used. In 137 subjects aged 20–65 years, with 3 or more first-degree relatives with CRC, one screening visit showed a colonic neoplasm in 12 (9%) subjects. Two had carcinoma (Dukes A and B), and 10 subjects one or more adenomas. Two of the subjects not attending screening (2%) developed Dukes C colon carcinoma during the study period, and one of them died of cancer. Continued screening of 34 patients with a previously identified CFS showed metachronous colorectal tumours in 12 (35%) cases: 9 operable carcinomas and 9 adenomas within 3 years. The preliminary result of screening on the basis of CFS was encouraging. Effective and continuous screening, however, requires centralized organization. The continued follow-up of identified CFS cases effectively revealed metachronous colorectal tumours at a curable stage, but its benefit was burdened by a high rate of advanced malignancies other than CRC.