In the first report on the properties of M and N, some observations on the blood of animals were recorded (1). The property M was demonstrable in the blood of each of ten chimpanzees examined but not in orang-utans, gibbons, a number of individuals belonging to some species of lower monkeys, or several species of mammals and birds. The blood of chimpanzees was found also to possess property N, when tested with a particular anti-N serum. In a recent and careful investigation by Dahr (2) on the blood of anthropoids and other monkeys, M was shown to be present in the blood of a species of lower monkey (Meerkatze1). This report and similar unpublished observations by one of us (W.) prompted us to reinvestigate the subject. The explanation of the apparent discrepancies concerning the blood of lower monkeys has now been found in the fact that various anti-M immune sera are not identical in their reactions.