Stratigraphical inversion in the Sulitjelma Area, Central Scandinavian Caledonides

Major stratigraphical inversions are recognized in two parts of the Sulitjelma area, on the border of Norway and Sweden. In the Otervatn area, inversion is directly demonstrated by way-up structures in pillow lavas of the Sulitjelma Amphibolite Group. The porphyritic amphibolites of the group belong to a penecontemporaneous sheeted intrusive complex which originally underlay the pillow lavas. The other inversion, S of Sorjusjaure, is proposed in order to simplify the stratigraphical succession of the area. The inversions are both thought to belong to the inverted limb of the Gasak Nappe, which is the upper tectonic unit at Sulitjelma. Folding associated with the inversion could cause tectonic repetition of the strata-bound Sulitjelma ore horizon.