Design and performance of Gaussian-profile dispersion-shifted fibers manufactured by VAD process

Design and manufacturing of dispersion-shifted fibers with a Gaussian profile, which is compatible to the VAD process, are studied. From the viewpoint of stable cabling, the parametric analysis is made with emphasis on the bending loss. To make the bending sensitivity of the Gaussian core fibers comparable with the conventional 1.3- μm zero-dispersion fibers, an 0.8 percent or higher index difference is required. In the experiment, the achieved loss at the 1.55-μm dispersionless wavelength is 0.21 dB/km. The effects of a ring profile around the Gaussian core on the fiber transmission characteristics also are examined. While the cutoff wavelengths are greatly lengthened by the ring, the bending sensitivity is not so affected. It is found that the index difference of the main core still dominates the bending loss of the fiber.