Several sorghum varieties were tested for their Fe‐stress response, as evidenced by the reduction of pH and the onset and recovery from chlorosis. A drought resistant (M‐35–1) and a drought susceptible (M‐47–3) variety were included, as also an Fe‐efficient (KS‐5A) and an Fe‐inefficient (KS‐5B) variety obtained from U.S.A. The results showed that the varieties IS‐84, IS‐3691 and M‐35–1 are very much tolerant, 168, 370 and M‐47–3 moderately tolerant, and CK‐60B, KS‐5A and KS‐5B the least tolerant to Fe‐stress. The differences obtained by other workers amongst the 2 inbred lines, KS‐5A and KS‐5B, are not reflected either in the pH reduction or in the onset of chlorosis.

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